Deerwood Golf Course
1818 Sweeney St. North Tonawanda, NY 14120
(716) 695-8525
Rec Office (716) 695-8520

Tee Time Reservations
Read the information below before clicking the button to make your tee time.
If accessing from a mobile device select "View Full Website" to view a full list of options (edit requests/bookings, view course conditions, etc)
Before you book a tee time, check out the video links below which talk about our new reservation system & lottery system.
Click for Lottery System quick reference Guide (PDF)
Lottery System:
What is it and how does it work?
Tutorial 1: Intro to the new system (editing buddy list, making lottery requests)
Tutorial 2: Making bookings (for members)
Tutorial 3: Making bookings (non-members)
*NOTE: The 7-day booking window (members) and 4-day booking window (non-members) opens at 6PM
(NOT 10am as indicated on the video)
Anyone can make a tee time reservation using our online automated system. DO NOT call the ticket office and ask staff to make a tee time, they will not be able to assist you. For direct assistance our Parks & Rec staff can help you. Call 716-695-8520 x0
If you have an active membership (ID or season pass)...
You already have an account set up at time of purchase
USE YOUR MEMBER # located on your ID card.
Your membership gives you access to making tee times 7 days out (6pm is the time you can make reservations for the 7th day).
If you haven't set up a password, try Golfer1 OR Golf1234. These are the automated passwords when your membership is activated. Once you've logged in you can change your password from the profile tab.
If you DO NOT have an active membership (ID or season pass)...
Create an account (your phone number will be your member #)
Use your phone number to log in.
You will have access to making tee times 4 days out. (6pm is the time you can make reservations for the 4th day).
Your "General Public" account is different than your previous Membership Account. You will need to create a new account if you do not have an active membership.
Frequently Asked Questions
I don’t have an ID/Pass, can I still make a reservation?
Yes, anyone without an ID/Pass can make a reservation 4 days out using the "General Public" option of the reservation system.
Can I make a reservation for a group of 4?
Yes, you can make a reservation for 1-4 golfers. New this year, you will be required to enter the names of the golfers in your group (cannot just enter them as Guest 1, Guest 2, etc).
I can’t log into my account to make a reservation.
Are you using the correct password? The generic password at set up for ID/Pass holders is either Golfer1 or Golf1234. If you’ve logged in previously and changed the password then simply click the “Forgot my password” link.
I clicked the “forgot my password” link and haven’t received an email.
First, check your spam or junk folder. If it’s not there, either a different email is on file for your account, or no email is listed on your account. Call the office for help (695-8520) or email ntparksrec@northtonawanda.org
I’m a pass/ID holder and it’s only allowing me to book a tee time 4 days out instead of 7. Why?
Did you sign in with your member number under the Active Member tab? If you logged in under a General Public account you only get 4 day advance booking.
I’m trying to log in and it’s telling me my password is invalid.
Try Golfer1 or Golf1234. That’s the generic reset password for most accounts. If it’s still not logging in you may at some point have personalized the password. Call the office (695-8520 x0) to reset your password.
I’m not seeing options to edit my booking or request (or seeing course conditions updates)
If you are on a mobile device, select the button that says "View Full Website". This will give you a full list of options on the reservation system. The buttons above it are shortcuts for bookings and requests. See picture below: